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How To Use Alchemy Catalyst Botania

Alchemy Catalyst: A Botania Block for Item Transformation


The Alchemy Catalyst is a versatile block introduced by the Botania mod. It enables players to perform secondary transformations on specific items by tossing them into a Mana Pool, consuming some of the stored Mana.

How It Works

When placed beneath a Mana Pool, the Alchemy Catalyst allows for the conversion of one item into another. The specific transformation depends on the item tossed into the pool and the Catalyst's configuration. Players can configure the Catalyst using different runes to alter the transformation process.

Shortcut Keys

For ease of use, the Alchemy Catalyst offers shortcut keys: - **Ctrl+Alt+D:** Project Division - Divide the project into smaller projects. - **Alt+D:** Project Division - Merge: Combine two projects into one.

Vitality in Botania

The Alchemy Catalyst plays a crucial role in Botania. It allows players to: - Create advanced items, such as runes and flowers. - Enhance the capabilities of existing items. - Utilize Mana efficiently by converting unwanted items into useful ones.


The Alchemy Catalyst is a powerful and versatile block in Botania that opens up a wide range of possibilities for item transformation. By understanding its functionality and utilizing shortcut keys, players can enhance their gameplay experience and maximize the benefits of this mod.
